4 Things I Did After My Breast Cancer Diagnosis

4 Things I Did After My Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Empowering You on Your Cancer Journey Being diagnosed with cancer is a life-changing experience, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and helpless at times. However, I want to assure you that there are many factors you can control and empower yourself with in the...
Learning How to Manage Your Mind

Learning How to Manage Your Mind

If you’re new to my work, I incorporate something called the Thought Model which was inspired by the teachings of Byron Katie. I use this model to help my clients achieve freedom from things like emotional eating or to help them achieve what they want in most any area...
Your Health is in Your Hands

Your Health is in Your Hands

Maybe you have a family history of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, or osteoarthritis. So you think to yourself, “Since  {insert disease} is in my family’s genetics, I’m destined to get it as well. What’s the point in taking better care of myself...
Cereal Bars (LEAP-Friendly)

Cereal Bars (LEAP-Friendly)

Cereal Bars My MRT/LEAP food sensitivity clients love these cereal bars because they only use 3 ingredients. Eating fewer foods helps in the beginning of overcoming food sensitivities because you’re trying to figure out which foods are causing...
My ONE Piece of Advice to Improve Your Health

My ONE Piece of Advice to Improve Your Health

The other day, someone asked me “If there was only ONE piece of advice you could give about how to lose weight, gain energy, and feel better – what would that be?” Before I tell you my answer, let me say that if they had asked me that question when I FIRST became a...