
Caitlin’s Radical Remission Cancer Coaching Clients:


“I am fighting a rare, inoperable thymoma cancer that has spread to my lungs. Although the cancer is slow growing, it has become life changing. I found myself seeking ways to find hope and take control of living with my diagnosis. My research led me to Caitlin.

Before enrolling in her “Beyond the Diagnosis” program, I was struggling emotionally, mentally, and physically. Caitlin actively listened and personalized my sessions to help me find clarity on my healing journey. She is empathetic, resourceful, compassionate, and committed to supporting me as I set goals and make daily choices to be healthy and happy.

Since working with Caitlin, I have become more knowledgeable in areas of diet, supplements, holistic healing, and the 10 pillars of “Radical Hope”. I would recommend Caitlin and her expert coaching to anyone who is seeking calm, clarity, and courage to make life changes that support increased emotional, mental, and physical well-being.”

– Jacqueline


“My time with Caitlin has been a true gift. Her guidance over these past 12 weeks has been immensely helpful as I sought to integrate the 10 Radical Remission healing factors from Dr. Turner. Caitlin is a great listener and a wise guide, which, in my opinion, makes her a great coach. She would always go where I needed the sessions to go, rather than direct our conversation, and I appreciated that approach very much. She did not push me where I was not comfortable, yet always offered ideas for me to ponder and perhaps explore further.

I chose Caitlin as my coach because of her work as a dietitian and nutritionist, since that was where I thought I would need the most help and guidance. My intuition proved to be right in that choice! She also shared her own cancer journey in appropriate and helpful ways, which helped make for a nice personal connection to our coaching sessions. I found the videos and other information provided for each session to be clear and helpful, and they prepared me well for each weekly coaching session with Caitlin. If you are looking for a coach to help guide you in the work of Radical Remission, I strongly recommend Caitlin. Thanks, Caitlin!”

– Thomas


“Caitlin brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion to her sessions with me. I feel so heard and understood. She knows what to do to keep me motivated on days when I’m not feeling great. I’m so thankful I started working with her, as I feel more empowered now — my oncologists weren’t very encouraging and didn’t tell me anything to do at home to help my body heal. Cancer has changed my life but Caitlin helps me see it in a new light.”

– Anonymous


“I decided to learn what lessons cancer was here to teach me. Caitlin helps me do just that. We don’t see cancer as a “gift” but as a teacher. What areas did I ignore or didn’t know about, when it comes to taking care of my body? I’m tapping into my body’s innate ability to heal. I have the tools to address all aspects of what it takes to live a cancer-free life now. Whether it’s what to eat, how to move, how to better manage stress, what supports do I need, safe supplement recommendations, or strong reasons for living — Caitlin is able to guide me on my cancer journey and it gives me hope. It’s exciting!”

– Tracy


Diabetes & High Cholesterol:


“Prior to working with Caitlin, my triglycerides were getting higher each time I went to the doctor. Caitlin helped me make some lifestyle changes that were doable and realistic for me; these helped me see a decrease from 210 (high) to 135 (normal) over a few months’ time. Caitlin is thorough and listens to me. I’m thankful I don’t need to go on a new prescription for high cholesterol.”

– Atlanta, GA Client

“My doctor says my A1C is the best she’s seen for me since I have been a patient of hers. As my dietitian, Caitlin has helped me drop my A1C from a high of 6.5 to now 5.9. I’ve got more to do to keep it going lower, but I’m thankful to no longer be in the diabetic range.”

– 59 year old male Client

Caitlin’s public speaking:


“We wanted to thank you for speaking to our group last week. You truly did a wonderful job and we so appreciate you sharing your story and discussing  cancer prevention information. It was all very helpful and we’re certain everyone walked away more knowledgeable.  You shared such helpful information – things I’ll personally keep in mind, and I’m sure others will, too. It’s because of  people like you – bringing awareness to others – that will be the reason for someone’s early detection. Thanks again, Caitlin!”

– Ashley gallager, national charity league – dunwoody chapter


Caitlin Russell MS RD - speaker

MRT/LEAP Food Sensitivity Clients:


“Caitlin is a true professional. She evaluates the initial MRT food sensitivity test results in a way that is not overwhelming; ie, she provided me with a broad picture of my condition. And then, she provided me with specifics, in writing, making it clear to me how to proceed. My allergic response to food has always been itchy throat and non-stop coughing. Inside of three weeks, I started seeing significant improvement. Several of my friends noticed that I wasn’t coughing so much without me mentioning my new diet. Highly recommend Caitlin; wish I had started with her years earlier!”

– Sanford


“I wanted to reach out and let you know I am in full remission from my Crohn’s! This is after following my personalized LEAP protocol diet protocol. The food sensitivity test results helped me determine what foods and food chemicals my body was sensitive to. Prior to doing MRT/LEAP testing, I was spending somewhere around $200 a month on my Remicade prescription alone. For years, my gastroenterologist told me diet and exercise had little to do with my gut health, and the only therapy was a high dose of drastic pharmaceuticals. I have a new doctor now! What MRT/LEAP has done for me is life-changing. Following my colonoscopy, my new doctor said I appear to be in full remission from Crohn’s. My once inflamed body is quiet and no longer showing the painful fiery signs of Crohn’s Disease. It is a real testament to what a dramatic lifestyle change can do. It is a relief and a joy to know I am in control of my personal health and wellbeing. Even if I cannot control everything in my world, I have some control over my existence and that can make all the difference. Thank you Caitlin and MRT/LEAP!”

– Anonymous


“Before working with Caitlin and her MRT/LEAP protocol, I struggled with joint pain, headaches & swelling. Caitlin really listened to me & answered all my questions. She is also well-organized & provided good, detailed written information. Since starting my personalized MRT/LEAP protocol, my joint pain and ankle swelling are reduced by more than half, and headaches are improved and much milder. Participating in the MRT/LEAP program made me feel more optimistic and empowered. It motivated me to start other good habits, like daily meditation & clearing clutter. The biggest results from following the MRT/LEAP protocol was the lessening of overall aches and pains. I was surprised at how the program also reduced intestinal gas. It felt like my immune system was calming down. I’ve had more energy too since following the program. Even though I worked with Caitlin using tele-health instead of in-person, she is very personable and she made it easy. I would absolutely encourage others to try MRT/LEAP. I’d encourage them to read about it on Caitlin’s website to see if the program feels like a good fit. Working with Caitlin was truly a valuable investment in my health & well worth my time & effort. I am 72 years old, & I feel like I have a new lease on life. Thanks, Caitlin!”

– Nancy D.


“I am so happy with the MRT/LEAP program. It works. The MRT program is a perfect guide to understand what’s causing inflammation and sickness in your body. Without this map, I would have continued suffering, not ever being able to pinpoint what was hurting me. Before I started working with Caitlin, I struggled with esophagus cramps, constant headaches, migraines, and tiredness. The most valuable part of working with Caitlin is she is so knowledgeable! I have learned so much from her about how nutrition affects our bodies. Having a practitioner that actually cares has made a huge difference for both me and my son! I haven’t felt this good in a very long time. Since working with Caitlin, my daily esophagus cramps have gone away. I have no more frequent headaches. No knee pain. No more fatigue. I am back to my normal weight. The reactive redness on my face has improved as well. I definitely feel less anxious and can concentrate better. General irritability has improved significantly. I am so glad I found Caitlin. She is so caring and knowledgeable! I have worked with nutritionists in the past with no good results. I feel great!!! Thank you, Caitlin…you have helped change my life for the better, healthwise and knowledgewise! Thank you, Caitlin, for not stopping to guide us! You have taught us so much.”

– Monica A.


Health Coaching Clients:


“Caitlin has this amazing peaceful quality about her and coupled with her excellent grasp in nutrition she was able to help me see what was needing to be nourished in my life so that I could let go of a past mindset to move forward in my goals.”

– Kathy V.


“Prior to working with Caitlin, I was struggling with digestive issues and my son was struggling with signs of ADHD and anxiety. Caitlin really knows her stuff! She knew exactly which lab tests to order for both me and my son. The tests revealed really important deficiencies that were urgent to address. After working with Caitlin, I became calmer and more relaxed and my digestive system began to absorb nutrients so I felt better all around. In addition, my teenage son’s mood improved quite noticeably and he became sunnier and happier. That was huge! I would definitely recommend Caitlin to others and have done so. She is a great resource for improving your health, the health of your children and whole family.”

– Anonymous


“I was fortunate to have Caitlin coach me! In our interaction, she helped me discover and identify two old beliefs, and in which ways they were showing up for me in current life. We playfully reframed these old beliefs, then found breakthrough action items that helped me follow through and reinforce the new set of beliefs. Nicely done Caitlin.”

– Greg T.


“After working with Caitlin during my last session, I felt a huge weight had been lifted as I was finally ready to move forward on something that I had been avoiding but wanting to do. Caitlin was able to use metaphors that got me out of my comfort zone so that I could move forward with what was a great challenge. I could see this clearly in the metaphor and it helped me to translate it into what I needed to implement for change. I plan to keep working with Caitlin as I see benefits in continuing to work on my goals by uncovering deeper beliefs that are getting in my way. I would absolutely recommend Caitlin as a health and wellness coach for others. They would be privileged to be able to work with her. Caitlin’s empathy, understanding, and ability to take me beyond my comfort zone was what I liked most about working with her. I think Caitlin is a natural as a health and wellness coach, both because of her background as a dietitian and her extreme sensitivity to her client’s needs. Coupled with her deep coaching skills, I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to change.”

– Dhyan S.


Caitlin’s 21 Day Health Reset Program Participants:


“Before Caitlin’s program, I was tired, overweight, had foggy thinking, achy joints, itchy eyes, was distracted, and not sleeping well. After the 21 days, I have lost 8 lbs., my sleep is much better, I have more energy, I have a fresh feeling in the morning, I have more productive days, my skin is clearer, I have far less stress, and I’m willing to spend time to rest. I loved all the support – emails, FB page, weekly phone calls, Caitlin’s availability/willingness to answer specific questions. I loved everyone’s willingness to share pictures of dinner ideas on FB. So helpful to not feel alone in the process AND to have new ideas. I also loved the encouragement to try new exercise simply as an improvement to health and FEELING better, not just as a means to an end (get thinner). I loved the education that came along the way – reading labels, where to shop, websites, new things to try. I recommend this program to others!”

– Anonymous


“Before the 21 day program, I was tired, depressed, had achy joints, and my brain felt fuzzy. After we were done, I had lost 6 inches, 11 lbs, am sleeping through the night, my legs aren’t aching as much, and my brain is sharper. Caitlin’s program takes the whole person approach and it really worked for me: mindful eatting, conscious choices, exercise and meditation. Being kind to yourself and your body…it all made sense and worked for a better me. Thank you!”



“Before Caitlin’s 21 day reset, I felt a little sluggish and bloated – BUT – I had done a previous reset with Caitlin and had made great progress, so I was already feeling far better going in to this reset. I took a slight break for Christmas and only gained back 1 lb – not bad! So I wasn’t feeling all that bad going into it this time! 🙂 I have since lost 8 lbs, I feel leaner, my energy is better, my skin continues to get better, and I need to shop for pants! 🙂 Seriously – pants are falling down! I LOVED the support and ideas from others. Posting pics on the private FB group and seeing those of others was great motivation. I LOVE the accountability. And LOVED the ready-made healthy options from Costco – toward the end of the reset my schedule went upside down, no time to cook, but I was still able to stay with the challenge successfully. PLEASE DO ANOTHER ONE! SERIOUSLY – I talked to several others and we are hoping you’ll do this again pre-summer. Thank you!”

– Talley


“Before the 21 day program, I had bloating and felt sluggish. After I finished, my clothing fits better, I lost nine pounds, and I generally feel better about how I look. The recipes were great! I highly recommend the program.”

– Anonymous


“Before Caitlin’s cleanse, I felt tired, irritable and overwhelmed nearly every day. I wasn’t sleeping well and was having trouble focusing to stay on a task. Both during and after the cleanse, I felt my mental clarity and energy soar. My overall mood improved and my productivity increased. I felt like my skin was glowing rather than haggard when I looked in the mirror in the morning. I lost 5.2 pounds that haven’t budged in the last year and felt like I have regained control over how I am fueling my body. I’m proud of myself for sticking to something that seemed challenging and for setting a good example for my family. I loved a lot of the recipes provided. I also found that the emails and Facebook posts were very helpful. The photos of the foods to look for in the beginning and the extra efforts to help us succeed were fantastic!”

– Mary


“Before Caitlin’s reset program, I felt fatigued and very bloated. I had a lot of inflammation issues. After the program, I lost weight, lost inches, increased my energy, my clothes fit differently, pain has decreased, sleep has improved, and my skin is clearer. All of my ankle and hand swelling is gone! I wake up more easily, fall asleep quickly, and my energy is returning. I have lost 15 pounds. And I am almost never hungry. I loved the Facebook page as an exchange of ideas, questions, recipes and suggestions. I would recommend this program to others!

– Charlotte Ann


“Before, I had low energy and excess weight. Since I started Caitlin’s program, I’ve lost 9 lbs., my clothes are baggy, my energy is increasing and I feel good about my progress. The recipes were most helpful and delicious and the support emails were well done. Caitlin’s program is professionally presented and most encouraging in approach. Any troubling thoughts were handled before they arose. Caitlin has created, from experience and education, a path that can be life changing. There are so many programs out there. This one is at the top of the list.”

– Bill


“Before Caitlin’s program, I felt like I was always dragging and could not get enough sleep. At night I would wake up several times. It really affected my productivity. I also felt cloudy and forgetful. The scale kept inching up no matter what I did, which felt defeating. My back and chest were breaking out more and more with acne. During the 21 days, I almost immediately saw a difference in my energy level! My skin (chest and back) started clearing up. Sleep was so much better. I could go to sleep easier and slept hard. In the morning, when I woke… I was up. No more negotiations to get out of bed. I also notice that I rarely have the urge to nap. I lost about 8 pounds but was never hungry. The recipes provided helped me understand food proportions better. I see that even when you ask a restaurant to double up on veggies, it’s still not a big enough serving. I also understand how to stabilize insulin levels. Mostly, I really learned how to listen to my body for how foods affect me, good or bad. I really enjoyed learning the science behind our foods and food sensitivities. I plan to do the program a few times a year as a reset! :)”

– Katie


“Before Caitlin’s 21 day program, I felt bloated, gassy and heavy. After I finished, I now feel less bloated, my clothes fit better, I lost 10 pounds, I feel more positive, am less stressed and I sleep better! Yay!”

– Lauren


“Before Caitlin’s 21 day reset, I felt droopy almost all the time and had low energy. After the program, I have more energy, especially in the evening. I’m working on house projects with enthusiasm once again. I lost 6 lbs and my clothes feel better. Adding healthy fats to my food again is so nice, especially when I had cooked without oils for so long. I have better glucose readings and blood pressure readings, and did away with medications on doctors approval. My head fog has diminished and alertness has improved. Why go back to what I did before when now is better? Thanks Caitlin!”

– Anonymous


“Before Caitlin’s 21 day program, I felt bloated and tired. Now that we’re done, I have lost 10 pounds. My clothes feel better. I have more positive thoughts about my appearance. I want to continue with these healthy eating habits. Thank you for your effort in organizing a well thought-out program, Caitlin!”

– Millie


“Before Caitlin’s 21 day program, I was tired, had some joint soreness, and felt sluggish. Since we finished, I sleep better, feel more clearheaded and have lost about 8lbs. The suggested food was good and kept me satisfied. I learned about new foods that I had not tried. I have tried to add lots of greens in the refrigerator to make green smoothies. Overall great experience and easy to follow!”

– Claire


“Before Caitlin’s 21 day program, I had sugar cravings, low energy, and some pain from a chronic health condition. After finishing the 21 days, I feel really good about some of the changes I made to my diet and self-care routines. My energy level is better, my mood is more consistent, and I don’t have as much of a sugar craving. I liked the holistic approach; this isn’t just about diet. I appreciate that Caitlin took time to work with me on some individual issues I was having due to some diet restrictions I have. She was very flexible and accommodated my need for substitutions. I also really liked the recipes – they tasted great and I have incorporated many of them into our weekly menus. This is a great program for those who know they need a change to take better care of themselves, but just don’t know quite where to begin. All of the materials are easy to understand, and Caitlin provides daily support and encouragement along the way.”

– Lori M.