Food Sensitivity Testing: What’s the Best One?

Food Sensitivity Testing: What’s the Best One?

Are there foods (even healthy ones) you suspect might be causing your unwanted symptoms? Do you start the day feeling well, but by 4pm, feel bloated and have no energy? Are you unable to sleep well at night due to achy joints or sinus congestion? You might have food...
Autoimmune Disease & Weight Loss Resistance

Autoimmune Disease & Weight Loss Resistance

Autoimmune disease is a big problem around the country. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from at least one autoimmune condition. At the same time, overweight and obesity now hover around 45% for the U.S. population. When you have an autoimmune disease, this...
Willpower and Weight Loss

Willpower and Weight Loss

Before my weight loss clients start working with me, they say: “I want to feel confident in whatever clothes I choose to wear.” “I want to feel lighter in my body.” “I want to feel less strain on my joints when I walk.” “I...