Using the Food Journal App in Practice Better
Video Series
By: Caitlin Russell MS RD
Welcome to the food journal tool in the Practice Better app and website. This feature is only available to my clients, so you can’t search for this page on my website. You have to use the link sent to you and save it as a bookmark on your device.
The food journal is a helpful tool to know where you fall with fiber intake, protein, micronutrients like sodium and overall calorie intake. Each video is a short tutorial on using different facets of the food journal app.
To get the Practice Better app for your phone or get the Practice Better website on your laptop, you can go here:
You can watch each video in fullscreen; just tap the 3 dots or the fullscreen square icon on the video.
I hope you find this information helpful as you work towards achieving your health goals.
NOTE: If I haven’t already done this for you and you would like help with calories and macros tailored to your needs, reach out to me and I’ll be happy to give you some targets.
I’ll need to know:
- your current age, weight and height
- what’s your workout routine (ie. daily 30 min walks, 2x week yoga, 2x week Peloton, etc.)
- if you have a strenuous job (ie. construction, etc.)
- do you lift weights
- your goal (maintain weight, weight loss, or muscle gain)
I can post your personal targets in your food journal, located in the tracking app.
In this video, you’ll learn:
Free-Form Entry
If you want to quickly jot down what you ate without worrying about exact details, you can use the free-form entry. Just tap “Add Entry,” type in what you ate, and save it.
Taking a Photo of Your Meal
Another easy option is to take a photo of your meal. Just tap the camera icon, snap a picture, and save it.
Using the Barcode Scanner
For packaged foods, you can use the barcode scanner. Tap “Scan Barcode,” hold your camera over the barcode, and the app will pull up the nutritional info.
Searching for Foods in the Database
You can also search for foods in the app’s database. Tap “Search Foods,” type in what you ate, and select the most accurate option.
Adding a Custom Food
If you can’t find a food in the database, you can add it yourself. Tap “Create New Food,” enter the name, serving size, and nutritional information (you can usually find this on the food package or online), and save it for future use.
In this video, you’ll learn:
Using the Tare Feature:
When adding food to a plate or bowl, we don’t want to weigh the container—just the food itself. That’s where the tare feature comes in.
- Place your empty plate or bowl on the scale.
- Press the tare button. This resets the scale to zero. Now, whatever food you add will be weighed separately from the container.
Tracking Spray Oils Accurately
Measuring spray oil can be tricky because it comes out in tiny bursts. The best way to track it is to:
- Weigh the spray can before spraying.
- Spray your pan as needed.
- Weigh the can again.
- The difference in grams is the amount of oil used. Log that amount in your journal.
Pre-Logging Meals for Convenience
If tracking food during meals feels overwhelming, you can pre-log your food the night before or earlier in the day. Think of it as a placeholder. You can always adjust the amounts later to reflect what you actually ate.
More videos are added as you progress through your tracking journey.